mantenace work on the Angel Reef buoy was conducted on 24 June 2015. Anchor ropes and subsurface floats were moderately fouled with barnacles.
The EXO2 sonde removed and cleaned. Copper coating was still intact, however the aperture for the tem/conductivity probe was fouled, so this probe was removed, thoroughly cleaned and a fresh copper coating re-applied. The new Chl-a sensor was reinstalled. All probes were calibrated, however the temperature readings on all calibrations was off. The attached is an example.
While the calibrations were accepted by the KOR software, the temperature reading were wrong. By the end of the calibrations, room temperature water read ar 8deg C and air temp read as 13 deg C. Possibly the temperature probe is comprimised.
The dessicant in the main buoy was not replaced on this exercise due to unfavourable weather conditions.
The ADP was recovered, data downloaded, battery replaced and redeplyed. Can the data from this instrument also be hosted with the CREWS data?
The next scheduled maintence for this unit will be in late July/early August