Tuesday, August 2, 2016

some observations about buoy status

The following is a brief status update based on a close examination of the data record, in a similar manner to an earlier update last May.
  • The analog RH/AirT sensor remains nonfunctional. Based on my direct observation of similar problems with the Calabash Caye buoy I believe this is probably a buoy wiring problem and not a failure of the instrument itself.
  • The EXO's CT2 sensor has performed well w.r.t. sea temperatures, although there continues to be reason to doubt the sensor's overlow salinity reports, even following a March recalibration. Also the EXO does not appear to have been calibrated again since March, unlike the BUTO1 EXO which was recalibrated in May when its BICs were installed.
  • Diagnostic data continue to suggest that the interior of the 'Main' canister is unacceptably moist (although this is even more seriously true of the BUTO1 buoy).
 (posted by Mike Jankulak)